
Serve The Lord Every Split Second

Ephesians 6:18-20 Praying... for me (Paul)... that I may... speak boldly as I ought to speak.

Read Ephesians 6:18-24.

Are you surprised that one with the intellect, background, spiritual maturity, and outstanding teaching skill Paul had should yearn for the prayer support of fellow believers? Notice that Paul did not seek prayer for his deliverance or comfort. He did not say, *Dear fellow Christians, ask God to get me out of here.* He was thinking of his needs in an entirely different context. What he wanted was, first, *that utterance may be given me.* Utterance - the ability to open one*s mouth and say something for God*s glory - has to be part volitional (what you want to do) and part miracle (what God does). It involves your everyday speech as well as your witness for Christ.

Do you realize that you can glorify God in even the so-called nonreligious conversation of daily life? This kind of talk has nothing to do with pious speech; it has everything to do with allowing God to control every split second of your life. If you are a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit lives within you. He is there to direct, to teach, to comfort. One of His ways of working is to not speak of Himself but to magnify Christ - through you. You can trust Him to put His words in your mouth, so that what you say has eternal significance. Your words may have no claim on eloquence, but God*s touch will be upon them. Indeed, our Lord said to His disciples, *It is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you* (Matt. 10:20).

When my life is controlled by the Holy Spirit, what I say is impelled and authorized by Him. How do you see yourself? Are you one who speaks up? God wants you to be.

This devotional was written by Dr. Robert A. Cook. You can subscribe to his free email articles and listen to his Spirit-filled 15-minute messages at www.walkwiththeking.org. Used with written permission.

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